What Torah Means To ME

We are grateful for the Torah. First thing on the list is that I wouldn’t have a job without it. That may sound like a joke, but it’s the plain truth. Why not be grateful for the Torah in a personal, everyday way? Perhaps that is what R’ Yosef meant by saying as he prepared a Shavuos feast “If not for this day, how many other Yossi’s are there in the street!”. He recognized that he would be just another Yossi, a nobody, were it not for the Torah. He appreciated that his status as a distinguished Rosh Yeshiva was because of this day. So let’s try to find the simple things that the Torah enhances our life with, so that our appreciation of the Torah be not philosophic, but rather concrete and visceral.
Some ideas: We may have a dear friend developed by learning together. We may enjoy the coffee in the Beis Midrash. Perhaps the safe, friendly sincerity of the learners feels good. Maybe we enjoy Yomtov with the family, talking to the kiddies on Shabbos and soaking in a warm Mikve before davvenning. Cholent on Shabbos, Bar Mitzvah celebrations and Brissim are all great fun. And so on. Simple, physical, concrete and everyday.

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