Unproductive behaviours

Yaakov told the brothers “Lama Tisra’u?” What does this mean? We quoted the Sforno that the brothers stood around looking at each other. Something needed to be done, but no one wanted to do it. “Lamah tisrau” means “Why are you just looking at one another?!” Yaakov was pointing out that this behavior was not terribly productive. We pointed out the comparison to when the garbage needs emptying, and the kinderlach look at one another. Maybe something sunk in.

Another p’shat in chazal is “Why stand out”. Why be seen by our neighbors as not suffering from the hunger. Why not? One reason given by the Rishonim is pragmatic: if our neighbors see that we have food they will invite themselves over so many times that they will clean us out. Instead let’s pretend that we are starving too. We told over another reason, that when people are suffering, or do not live on the same high level as another, and the fortunate individual lets them see his position, they wonder why indeed he deserves such goodies. Hashem hears that complaint, and is “forced” to be fair, to give each what he honestly deserves. This means that the fortunate individual may very well find himself fortuneless. We gave an everyday example: sometimes Mommy will treat one of the kinderlach to something special “just because”. But the minute that child will prance his treat about and the other kinderlach will complain that its not fair, that child will lose his treat. Better keep it hidden!!

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