The Truest Kiddush Hashem possible

The Torah  repeatedly talks of the Kiddush Hashem that was caused by splitting of the Red Sea. No, not to the world. Not even to the Jews. To Pharoh and the Egptians!

The Torah says; “And I will become honored through Pharoh and all his troops, and Egypt will know that I am G-d!. It seems as though the main reason for the spectacular display of miracles by the Yam Suf was for the sake of the Egyptians, that they may know Hashem.

This bears studying; the time that the Mitzrim fully recognized Hashem was only a few minutes. From when the waters came crashing down on their heads, until they died was not long. They certainly they didn’t spread the good word to the world at large at that time!

So we learn that for there to be an awareness of the truth of Hashem, even if it goes no farther than the person having that awareness, and even only for a few minutes, is classified as a Kiddush Hashem, and is the greatest possible value.

This leads us to believe that if we develop within ourselves a new or greater appreciation of Hashem, we have thus created a bona-fide Kiddush Hashem. To whom? To ourselves! Hashem’s eminence has risen in the world – inside of our hearts! Amazing!

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