The prayer of a kohen

The pasuk specifies that there be kohanim by the Eglah Arufa ceremony. They, says the Targum, were to ask Hashem “Please atone for your nation Israel”. The reason for having specifically kohanim say this prayer is explained by the Torah; “For they are the ones that Hashem has chosen to serve Him and bless in His name, and according to their words is every argument settled and every Negah decided” So what – why does that make them public prayerers?? We suggested that if a prayer is to be said for all Israel, the ones saying it should be those people whose voices Hashem enjoys hearing. Then the prayer will be more acceptable to Hashem. If Hashem has chosen kohanim to bless His people, that implies Hashem want to hear their blessing. Their words have greater impact, therefore they are to supplicate for us all and ask Hashem to atone us. That they have such a powerful and meaningful power of prayer, besides being a great honor and encouragement to kohanim, is also an added responsibility. Kohanim need to make sure that their prayers are up to scratch – even today!

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