The Path To Emunah

Moshe told the people, terrified by the spies’ report “You have seen how Hashem carried you the long way we have traveled in this desert just like a man carrying his small son. Regarding this you lack faith in Hashem, Who went before you on the road to find you a proper camp-ground, and Who lit up your way at night with fire showing you the way to go, and who leads you with a cloud by day” Why was Moshe mentioning all these points? The sovereign path to Emunah is to look back on all the trouble we have been in and how Hashem has carried us through. When we think of that, we say “Hashem has kept me all these years, He has fed me, and He has clothed and sheltered me. I alone could not have done it. Therefore I do not fear the future; the One Who has led me thus far will continue to lead me further”.

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