The infallibility of our rabbis

We discussed why the torah makes such an issue of the errant sage who defies the supreme Beis Din, that he is executed, and we wait for the entire nation to gather round so that all take note. Are we worried that other sages will follow suit? The Ran explains that indeed, we are not concerned that other sages will follow. We are rather concerned about the average Joe, that he be given a lesson in the supremacy of the sages and that he must listen to them. People naturally hate authority, and there is nothing as liberating as saying “I am beholden to the opinion of no man!” Human nature is to try and do one’s own thing, and not to bow to chazal.

We do not believe in the infallibility of Bet Din. They too are susceptible to error. They try hard, are wiser than most of us, and they are working with a broad consensus of seventy two sages, so their margin of error is low. Still in all they are only human. Perhaps we even recognize that in this specific case they have indeed erred. Could happen. But Hashem is telling us to listen even though we think they are flat-out wrong; they are telling us that right is left. And the reason is that it is far better that we follow the sages, even when they make an occasional mistake, than follow our own opinions and err left, right and center. Its simply more profitable! (Sefer HaChinuch)

The Chinuch expands this mitzvah, that even though technically it relates specifically to the Beis Din HaGodol, the Beis Din in the Beis Hamikdash who was the ultimate arbitrators of Jewish law, our supreme court, it applies in concept to the torah leaders in our own day and time. Today too, we hear voices criticizing Rabbinical decisions, especially when they are in the area of public policy. Any mature person realizes that someones gotta lead, and it’s either them or ourselves. Will anyone who feels qualified to lead the people please step forward!

We choose our Gedolim not because we believe in their infallibility, but because they are the best leaders we have. And Hashem would rather we follow these leaders, even though they may occasionally err, than we do our own thing, and err more than occasionally.

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