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I hope you enjoy the parshah ideas - these were the Shabbos table talk in our home, and the ideas came from all present, young and old. These are only suggestions and discussion headings; add your own to them and send them back to us! Usually I will ask a question and the children respond. Sometimes I also have ideas on the subject. We hope that the issues raised will bring out thoughts of your own. Anyhow, enjoy them and respond to them!
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Tag Archives: korach
Thank You, Korach!
We owe an everlasting debt of gratitude to Korach. Were it not for him, people would say that Moshe fooled the Jews. No one was able to doubt or stand up to him. (Goodness knows that even after the Korach … Continue reading →
Eaten By Earth
Why was Korach punished by the ground swallowing him? Couldn’t Hashem have stuck him down with lightning? Couldn’t be changed to a block of stone – Why specifically this form of death? One suggestion was that just as Korach opened … Continue reading →
Is That All We Are Fighting Over?
“…V’lo tih’ye k’korach u’ki’adaso” – “…and there may not be as Korach and his assemblage”. What does this refer to? Some Rishonim understand this to be a prohibition against keeping fights going. R’ Moshe Aharon Stern z”l explained (in the … Continue reading →
To Really Count
What did Korech already have? “Hashem has set you apart to stand in His service, and in the community’s service. He has drawn you close to Him, and you need Kehunah too!?” This is an awesome statement; It means that … Continue reading →
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