Prophesy today?

Hashem tells us to keep away from fortune-tellers and magicians. We have no need for them, you see, because if He wants, He will simply give us a prophet who will tell us the future. Question; that’s all fine when prophesy existed, but what are we to do nowadays when prophets are kinda scarce? Are we to go to magicians?! A few ideas were suggested. One was that although there are no full-fledged prophets, there are great people around who have a shade of prophecy, and they can help us in knowing the future. Therefore the Torah’s solution is still valid. Another point was that indeed we have no prophets; however there are no true-blooded magicians anymore either. They disappeared together, and so the bad alternative isn’t either an option. My answer was, that the Baal Haturim indicates that surprisingly enough, if we will ask for prophets we will get them. Even today! Even today!? So where are they? No one is asking for them! Why not? Maybe we are not really willing to hear what he might say. Maybe he will tell us that we are living in serious error. Maybe we are not living properly! So indeed – if we need badly to know the future, ask a prophet of Hashem. But it’s a package deal. We will hear mussar too. We usually do not want to hear that, and forego prophesy altogether. But we should bear in mind that it’s not really the voice of the prophet that we are sort of rejecting; but the voice of Hashem.

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