Making Hashem’s mastery real

We talked about that we constantly refer to Hashem as Master of the world. Unfortunately this often becomes empty words or at best a philosophical statement, not something we identify with on real terms. This is the parshah where we talk about Hashem creating the world. By creating the world Hashem became master over it – it was His own handiwork. We ought to elaborate on all the things Hashem created, like wood, different metals, soil, the building blocks for plastics and so on. Then, as we say a bracha at home or in shul, give a quick look around and say to yourself; this table is Hashem’s. This flooring is Hashem’s; these lights above me are Hashem’s. Even this fellow to my right and that one to my left are His too. I am also his. This way Hashem’s ownership and mastery becomes actual and real, something concrete and meaningful, instead of a religious phrase!

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