Living Har Sinai

“Beware, and take much care for your soul that you not forget the things your eyes have seen and lest you forget them, all your life. Tell your children grandchildren [about] the day that you stood before Hashem at Chorev (Har Sinai) when Hashem commanded me, ‘Gather the people to hear My words…'”

We are warned to never forget Sinai. Practically speaking, what exactly is involved here; are we to speak about it at our Shabbos table, should we draw a mural on the wall depicting Har Sinai, should we have a “Har Sinai stone” always on our desks?

Perhaps the answer is Yes. The sefer “Hamaspik Le’ovdei Hashem” posits that we are the result of our experiences. Our attitudes towards mitzvos, Gedolim, the Beis Hamikdash, tznius and all values depend largely on our experience with them. Although we usually cannot dictate our experiences, we are so deeply influenced by them. Are we then helpless? What are we to do?

The secret is that although we cannot directly experience everything we’d like to, we can visualize and virtually live through them in our imagination. In fact, says this sefer, imagination is even stronger than hearing, and is rated between hearing and seeing. The imagination is an amazingly powerful tool, and we should use it!

And this is the case here: We need to live Maamad Har Sinai in our minds, and we will use every tool at hand. This is the mitzvah.

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