Its all in the tune…

Yisro had come to join the Jews in the desert was because he heard of all that Hashem had done to Moshe Rabbenu and the Jews (Rashi explains that this refers to krias Yam Suf and the war with Amalek). If so, why did Moshe tell him upon his arrival “all of the trouble that had befallen them and how Hashem saved them” (which Rashi explains to mean ( – guess what! – ) Yam Suf and Amalek!)? He knew that already!

We suggested that perhaps he had indeed heard it before, but he had heard it all wrong. He had heard how scary and vicious Hashem was, how He ripped apart Egypt  and crushed Amalek. Moshe re-educated him. He told of how loving and protecting-from-trouble Hashem was. How He saved them time and again. It’s all in the niggun! The facts were the same, but what they meant was 360 degrees different than what Yisro had thought until now! Like everything, how you look at it makes all the difference.

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