Is That All We Are Fighting Over?

“…V’lo tih’ye k’korach u’ki’adaso” – “…and there may not be as Korach and his assemblage”. What does this refer to? Some Rishonim understand this to be a prohibition against keeping fights going. R’ Moshe Aharon Stern z”l explained (in the name of R’ Chaim Brisker) otherwise; the message here was that the fight of Korach and Moshe was unique in all history. Korach was 100% wrong, and Moshe 100% right. There will never again be a fight like this. All other fights are partly one side’s fault, partially the other’s. It’s merely a question of degree. This is what the Torah is saying: “There will never again be [a fight] like Korach”
Keeping this in mind will go a long way to solving fights. When each side knows that it is partially in the wrong, why quarrel over degrees?

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