Does it pay to be good?

Vayeshev Yaakov…Eila toldos Yaakov etc. Rashi comments on the juxtaposition of the two, and quotes the Midrash that Yaakov wanted to settle in peace and quiet. Hashem said “Is it not enough for tzaddikim the Olam Habah they will receive; do they want Olam Hazaeh too? So He sprang upon Yaakov the saga of Yosef. We asked the kinderlach for some insight here; is there any crime in seeking quiet? Why should a tzaddik have a hard time in Olam Hazeh? It seems from the language that Rashi uses that it would be considered greedy to want Olam Hazeh in addition to Olam Habah. Perhaps we can consider that possibility were the tzaddik to know what he will receive in Olam Habah, but who is it that knows what his share in Olam Habah is? One stray thought I had was that indeed, there is nothing apparently wrong in a tzaddik seeking comfort. (See Darash Moshe who brings proof that indeed, tzaddikim have nothing against enjoying this world too) However were they to be aware of the goodies awaiting them, they might disregard their physical state, and seek no comfort, because they are anticipating so much good. Sometimes, perhaps, Hashem will signal to a tzaddik the immensity of reward that awaits him by ….. giving him a hard time in Olam Hazeh! He is giving him a message; you don’t need Olam Hazeh. You would be satisfied with anything in this world would you realize the schar that awaits you. Rather than a punishment, it is a sign that the tzaddik has made it. So when a tzaddik wishes to sit in peace in this world Hashem may say; it would be enough what he has in the next world, let me signal this to him by making his life hard. How does the tzaddik know why he is getting trouble? Maybe it is punishment for sins he has done? Perhaps the nature and pattern of the hard time is telling. A punishment for sin scrapes and hurts more than just hard times. Perhaps it is unremitting, while just hard times have a breather here and there. I do not know. However I am suggesting that the pattern contains some identifying characteristics, which give away what the purpose or reason for the trouble is. (The gemarah in Berachos teaches that one can know what pain is “yisurim shel aava” by profiling; the pain of yesurim shel ahava do not cause one to miss learning or davvening, but other pain does)

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