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I hope you enjoy the parshah ideas - these were the Shabbos table talk in our home, and the ideas came from all present, young and old. These are only suggestions and discussion headings; add your own to them and send them back to us! Usually I will ask a question and the children respond. Sometimes I also have ideas on the subject. We hope that the issues raised will bring out thoughts of your own. Anyhow, enjoy them and respond to them!
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Rosh Hashanah Thoughts
Teshuva The Rambam indicates that Benonim have until Yom Kippur to repent, otherwise they may be condemned to death. Since benonim have equal Mitzvos and sins, why do they die? Why not go leniently on them? (Indeed, after death Hashem … Continue reading
Nitzavim parshah thoughts
Doing Our Thing “And Hashem will rejoice in you as He rejoiced in your fathers” Like our fathers? Them who followed Hashem into the desolate desert? Who heard Hashem face to face, and walked through the Yam Suf with Him? … Continue reading
Ki Tavo Parsha Thoughts
Long Form Thank You Bringing Bikkurim , the first fruit, to the Beis Hamikdash entails a speech. The donor reads a lengthy text – essentially the Pessach Haggadah, – recounting all Hashem has done him, starting all the way back … Continue reading
Ki Tetzei Parshah Thoughts
Predestination And You The Torah mandates to fence our roofs saying “do not place blood in your home, when ‘the faller’ falls from [your roof]”. Why is the victim called ‘the faller’, as if that’s what he always was? Rashi … Continue reading
Shoftim Parsha thoughts
Be Judgeable! ‘Put judges and police in all your cities to ensure fair judgement!’ This directive is addressed to us, not the government. We too are responsible for ensuring justice. How!? The Netziv explains that city leaders must oversee the courts … Continue reading
Reah Parsha Thoughts
Rich-Poor Turnus-Rufus asked Rabbi Akiva; Obviously Hashem hates the poor, for otherwise He would have provided for them. So isn’t giving alms contravening His Will? Rabbi Akiva answered him cryptically: ‘So that we may merit through them.’ What was his … Continue reading
Ekev Parshah Thoughts
Before Or After? Biblically, the blessing on food is only made AFTER eating. The blessing on Torah is BEFORE study. Why are they different? Food is enjoyed by the body upon taste, therefore the Bracha is made after eating. Torah, … Continue reading
V’eschannan Parsha Thoughts
Shades Of Belief ‘Today we have seen that Hashem can talk with man and yet live’ said the Jews to Moshe. Apparently up until then they did not fully believe Moshe. How can this be? Moshe would say ‘Hashem said … Continue reading
Devarim Parshah Thoughts
The Last Chapter Sefer Devarim is Moshe’s speeches to the Jewish people. In a sense, Hashem has finished talking and now Moshe takes over. Is it Torah? Certainly. Hashem included it in His book. Truth is, the Torah was intended … Continue reading
Tisha Bav thoughts
Feel the Churban? Sadly, I’m among the many who are inured to the Churban. A child was hit by a car and lost both legs. Tragic. Half a year later his classmates visit. ‘How are you doing?’ they ask. He … Continue reading
Matos-Masai Parsha Thoughts
Matos Because I Said So The Torah asks us to keep our word. It tells us to not profane our word. We understand keeping our word; committing to what we have said. But ‘profanity’? Is there holiness in our words? … Continue reading
Pinchas Parshah Thoughts
Defensive-Offensive Pinchas killed Zimri, and the plague stopped. Why did killing Zimri calm Hashem’s anger at the Jews? Pinchas took up Hashem’s cause, and fought His battle. As the Torah writes: “He quarreled My quarrel”. It’s like when someone insults … Continue reading
Balak Parshah Thoughts
Foolin’ Around Hashem asked Bilaam ‘Who are these people with you?’ Rashi explains that Hashem knew the answer, but fooled Bilaam into thinking that He didn’t. Bilaam thought ‘Wow! He does’t know everything! Great, now I’ll curse the Jews when … Continue reading
Chukas Parshah Thoughts
(Swinging) At The End Of His Rope The Midrash tells of a wicked man who set an exorbitant price for the Parah Adumah – the red heifer – he had in his barn. While they went to bring the money, … Continue reading
Korach Parshah Thoughts
Thanks, Korach! As a people, we owe a heavy debt to Korach. Were it not for him, people would say that Moshe fooled the Jews. Moshe possessed great charisma and worked his charm on the people. No one was able … Continue reading
Shlach Parshah thoughts
Spymaster Lessons What can we learn from the story of the meraglim? The children suggested that we understand 1. from their punishment the severity of the sin of lashon harah, 2. the value of Eretz Yisroel, for denigrating something so … Continue reading
Behaaloscha Parsha Thoughts
You’re A Group In Behaaloscha we learn that the Levi’im entered the service at age 25. In Devarim it states that they started at 30. Rashi explains that they arrived to learn the ropes at 25, but began actual service … Continue reading
Naso Parshah Thoughts
Initiative Moshe was reluctant to accept wagons from the Nesi’im until Hashem told him to. Why? Wagons were not necessary to make the Mishkan. Hashem gave Moshe a specific list of the things needed; gold, silver, copper etc. Individual initiatives … Continue reading
Shavuos Thoughts
What is Shavuos about? The Torah does not connect Shavuos to Matan Torah. The connection appears in our t’filla, which calls it, ‘z’man matan Toraseinu’, and in the gemarah. The connection to matan Torah is complicated, because Shavuos is not … Continue reading
Bamidbar Parshah Thoughts
Segregation, TorahStyle Separating the people into distinct tribes. Living apart from each other, unique in lifestyle. Is that ‘Achdus’: national unity? Why is the Torah so proud of this setup? An automobile engine is a wonderful machine; its many components … Continue reading
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